Teen Drama Club
On Stage Playhouse
Instructors: Madison Travelo, Lori Wainio & Jen Harmon
Teen Drama Club
On Stage Playhouse
215 High School Avenue
Ages 13-18
Membership dues: $10 per workshop
Scholarships are available!
TEEN DRAMA CLUB will help you to learn and build your theater skills in improvisation, monologues, scene work, character building, directing, stage managing, theater tech and more! Each week will be completely different, so you may come every time, once a month or when your schedule allows. The TEEN DRAMA CLUB is meant to be flexible, giving teens a place to learn, to practice their craft, and to have fun!
Meeting time: 6-7pm
The class schedule for 2024-2025 is:
December 9 (first class) & 16
January 6, 13, 20 & 27
Feb 2 & 24
March 3, 10, 17, 24 & 31
April 7 & 28
May 5 & 12 (last class)
*Cost is $10 per class. All actors must have the Liability/Emergency Contact form completed to participate (link below). Payments are expected at the start of each class. Cash or checks made out to On Stage are accepted. Scholarships are available here.
*Drama Club doesn't meet for school holidays or for the occasional conflict due to main stage performances at On Stage Playhouse.
Q: How do I complete the Liability/Emergency Contact form?
A: Liability/Emergency Contact forms are available online at the link above and at On Stage Playhouse. Forms must be completed to participate.
Q: My child turns 13 during this year, can I register them?
A: We are so glad your teen is interested in drama! Check out one of our Youth Workshops, which may be more appropriate for their age. Feel free to email us at info@onstagewalton.org, to discuss this further. There sometimes isn’t always one rule that fits everyone.
Alert On Stage staff IMMEDIATELY if actors develop COVID-19 symptoms OR have direct contact with a confirmed COVID-19 case. If actor’s develop COVID-19 symptoms or are ill, stay home from the workshop. Actors must stay home, if they or a family member is getting COVID-19 tested/waiting for test results until the test results are received.
*Note: All COVID-19 policies are subject to change as the On Stage Board of Directors sees fit as situations change according to the CDC guidelines.